
We are a Brand Strategy Consulting Agency

We help businesses grow, launch products, and build engaging relationships with their customer-client tribes.

Your Branding and Marketing
Business Partner!
"Successful branding and marketing starts with cultivating and nourishing relationships...
and relationships happen at the speed of trust!"
  - Bob Grigsby, CEO Empowering Your Brand

Cultivating and nourishing relationships with your customer-client is what it takes to succeed in moving your branding and marketing strategy forward in today's digital economy.

We would love to engage in a Discovery Call with you. A Discovery Call is an initial consultation to listen to your views, ideas, and goals for where you want to take your company. It does not cost you anything other than an hour of your time for us to visit with you on the phone, a zoom call, or if you're local — in your office...you decide.

During the Discovery Call we will ask you a few questions as we listen to what motivated you to reach out to us...and why you believe our brand facilitation coaching, mentoring, or consulting sessions are essential to your brand's value and your company's growth.

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

What are your fees?

Fees depend upon a number of factors and can be discussed following a discovery call if you would like to engage me as a coach, mentor, or consultant. Sessions typically are purchased in packages, which provides a discount over the single session rate.

What is your experience?

As the principal owner and CEO of Empowering Your Brand, a division of Context Consulting Group, LLC a website development agency, I have over 16 years in establishing programs and platforms that incorporates the Why-Value branding and marketing process into a client's digital business strategy. While that experience is important, it is my education and life experience that really helps me support my clients with fulfilling their personal and professional business needs. I hold a BA in Social Science and an MA in Sociology with a Concentration in Social Psychology. I have over 30 years experience in the corporate technology environment, and I'm a former executive of Mattel. I have worked with numerous companies, in a variety of industries, to help scale their company's horizontal and vertical markets.

How long are sessions?

Sessions typically last 60 to 90 minutes.

How many sessions will I need?

You will decide how many sessions you will need, based upon the work you would like to accomplish and the goal you are seeking to reach. Typically not much can be done in fewer than 3-5 sessions. I encourage you to commit to at least 3 sessions (or more) up front so that you can see how a partnership session with us can really help you achieve your goals. Sessions can be weekly, monthly, or at any other interval that works for you.

What is the difference between coaching, mentoring, and consulting?

  • As a Coaching facilitator we help "guide" our clients with figuring out where they want to start with their branding and marketing efforts, and provide guidance to them on their future goals with helping them identify their "Why" value proposition.
  • As a Mentoring facilitator our engagement with clients is typically more about showing/teaching them how to get to their branding and marketing goal. As a mentor, we share our knowledge, skills, and experience, to help our clients develop the tools for them to move forward on their own.
  • In Consulting, on the other hand, we act as an advisor and bring our formal qualifications and direct experience in the subject matter to the table and oversee the work for the companies we work with. Our consultant role is one of an active advisor and problem solver, one who analyzes business metrics and other data and then decides what needs to be accomplished.

    What is a typical session like?

    Sessions are through Zoom, and are casual and free-flowing. Typically, you will decide at the beginning of a session what you would like to work on that day. Sometimes it is something completely new. Other times it is a continuation of prior sessions.

    Are your sessions on any topic or are they limited?

    We are happy to discuss any topic that might be of interest to you. Though, we will let you know if we do not feel we are the right fit for you after discussing your needs with you.

    Book a Discovery Call

    We very much are looking forward to hearing your views, ideas, and goals for where you want to take your company.

    Bob Grigsby, BA / MA
    Digital Marketing Consultant
    Direct Line: 319.936.7704

  • A Discovery Call is a "free" initial consultation to listen to your
    views, ideas, and goals for where you want to take your company.

    Reach out to us anytime for a Discovery Call:

    Learn More...



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